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All groups
- Chelyabenergo
- Chelyabinsk Trade Center
- Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant
- ChO MIAC, Chelyabinsk region
- Department of Internal Affairs, Khanty-Mansiysk
- Department of Internal Affairs, Magnitogorsk city
- Gazprombank
- Group of Companies Etalon, Chelyabinsk city
- Konsultanty Urala, Chelyabinsk city
- Lukoil-Inform
- Main Department of Internal Affairs, Chelyabinsk city
- Main Department of Internal Affairs, Yekaterinburg city
- MBKI KREDO, Volgograd region, town Kamishin
- MBKI, Tyumen
- Ministry of Emergency Situations, Chelyabinsk
- Monolit-Project, Chelyabinsk city
- MTS, Chelyabinsk
- NPP Mashproekt, Chelyabinsk region, Ozersk
- Office of Federal Treasury, Chelyabinsk
- Parsons Global Services Inc., USA
- PRBKI, Perm
- Regionsnabsbyt, Chelyabinsk city
- South Ural Railways, Chelyabinsk city
- Stroytransgaz-M, Moscow
- SVBKI, Yakutsk city
- The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk city
- The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Kurgan city
- The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Orenburg city
- The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Tyumen city
- VimpelCom
- ZapSibGazProm, Tyumen city
- Банк Снежинский ОАО
- Ministry of Emergency Situations, Chelyabinsk
- Parsons Global Services Inc., USA
- Stroytransgaz-M, Moscow
- TD Chelyaboblsnabsbyt
- Department of Internal Affairs, Magnitogorsk
- Office of Federal Treasury, Chelyabinsk
- MBKI, Tyumen
- Department of Internal Affairs, Khanty-Mansiysk
- VimpelCom
- Gazprombank
- Group of companies Etalon, Chelyabinsk
- Main Department of Internal Affairs, Yekaterinburg
- Main Department of Internal Affairs, Chelyabinsk
- ZabSibGazProm, Tyumen
- Konsultanty Urala, Chelyabinsk
- Lukiol-Inform
- MBKI KREDO, Volgograd region, town Kamishin
- Monolit-Proekt, Chelyabinsk
- MTS, Chelyabinsk
- NPP Mashproekt, Chelyabinsk region, Ozersk
- PRBKI, Perm
- Regionsnabsbyt, Chelyabinsk
- SVBKI, Yakutsk
- UFNS, Chelyabinsk region
- Mayak
- The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Kurgan
- The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Orenburg
- The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Tyumen
- The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk
- Chelyabinsk Trade Center
- Chelyabinsk Zinс Plant
- Chelyabenergo
- ChO MIAC, Chelyabinsk region
- South Ural Railways, Chelyabinsk
- Electronic government
- Safe City
- Safe Enterprise
- Situation center
- Monitoring and control center
- Department of Internal Affairs UCC
- Ministry of Emergency Situations UCC
- Video detection of traffic violations and vehicle movement
- Data transfer systems
- Engineering systems
- Security systems
- Information bureaus
- Credit bureau
- Monitoring of the branch and department on the portal
- Medicine and health care
- Regional data processing center of the Ministry of Health Care
- MIS Erida
- Certification center
- Processing confidential information and State Secret in the secure network Mirage
- State Secret security
- Personal data security
- Design and installation works for ZapSibGazProm
- Complex of engineering systems on the chemical weapon destruction object
- Construction, installation, startup works in the Chelyabinsk-City
- Creation of the portal for the Ministry of Health Care in Chelyabinsk
- Creation of the portal for the Ministry of Health Care in Chelyabinsk
- Design and installation works for ZapSibGazProm
- Designing and creation of structured cablings and networks for Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant
- Designing and installation of LAN for Chelaybenergo
- Designing architecture of medical United Information and Analytical System
- Designing Chelyabinsk-City engineering systems
- Designing engineering systems for VimpelCom
- Development of the data storage and transfer standard in the medical Unified Information and Analytical System
- Development of the data storage and transfer standard in the medical United Information and Analytical System
- IS providing citizens with necessary medication
- MBKI information security
- MBKI information system
- NPP MASHPROEKT information security
- Personal data security, Gazprombank
- PO Mayak, development of the corporate network
- Power supply systems for the Konsultanty Urala company
- Yekaterinburg Safe City
- Аудит информационной безопасности Банк Снежинский ОАО на соответствие СТО БР ИББС
- Yekaterinburg Safe City
- Magnitogorsk Safe City
- Khanty-Mansiysk Safe City
- Chelyabinsk Safe City
- Chelyabinsk Safe City, M5 road
- MBKI information security
- NPP MASHPROEKT information security
- Personal data security, Gazprombank
- Engineering systems for the Office of Federal Treasury
- MBKI information system
- IS providing citizens with necessary medication
- Complex of engineering systems on the chemical weapon destruction object
- Media archive of the Ministry of Emergency Situations presentations, Chelyabinsk
- Installation and adjustment of equipment for the South Ural Railroads, Chelyabinsk city
- ChO MIAC external networks of data transfer, Chelyabinsk
- NPP MASHPROEKT information security examination
- Designing architecture of medical Unified Information and Analytical System
- Designing and installation of LAN for Chelaybenergo
- Design and installation of structured cabling, LAN, fiber-optic connection channels for the Chelyabinsk Zink Plant
- Designing engineering systems for VimpelCom
- Designing Chelyabinsk-City engineering systems
- Design works on data transfer system, Lukiol-Inform
- Information security, Mayak
- Development of the Mayak corporate network
- Development of database and software for the medical United Information and Analytical System
- Development of the data storage and transfer standard in the medical United Information and Analytical System
- Structured cabling and LAN systems for the RF CB, Tyumen
- Power supply systems for the Konsultanty Urala company
- Создание информационной системы управления, мониторинга и защиты персональных данных МУ "ССМП", г. Екатеринбург
- Creation of the congregate medical reports system
- Construction and installation works for the Konsultanty Urala company
- Construction and installation works on the chemical weapon destruction object
- Construction, installation, startup works in the Chelyabinsk-City
- GK Etalon data processing center
- Центр Управления и Мониторинга Службы Скорой медицинской помощи (ЦУМ ССМП)
- IT-outsourcing
- IT-consulting
- Digital signature
- Project management
- Information system development
- Hierarchical databases - IS PLEYADES
- Outsourcing of the server capacities
- Secure data transfer
- Confidential information storage
- Fiber-optic connection channels
- City/region video surveillance
- After-sale service
- Construction and installation works
- Creation of data processing centers
- Intellectual tasks
- Cable systems and networks
- Office/enterprise video surveillance
- Power supply
- Automation, dispatching and account of the energy resources
- Alarm systems, security
- Fire security
- Management systems and access control
- Television
- Telephony
- Radiofication
- Information security audit
- Automated workplace protection project
- Information security objects certification
- Information security licensing